Jack remembers Locke in the wheelchair (and maybe Rose does, but I'm not sure of that last part).
Rose! I miss Rose.
Seagull as carrier pigeon was silly, but the rescuers finding Jack was priceless.
The preview for next week got a "FINALLY!" out of me. I still won't forgive Cuse and Lindelof for wasting an hour on Jack's tattoos, though.
I'm still in shock that I've liked the last two episodes of Lost. I thought they were well balanced, both A and B plots worked, told us a bit about the island and whilst revealing a bit more (but no giant feet)...
these "others"! Just when the castaways are starting to look competent, Sorry! the "sooper others" are invincible again
So far, so good.
How depressed do you have to be to qualify for disability for it?
Whoa! Guess Locke hasn't been dumb, just crazy. I LIKE crazy, driven John Locke. SO much better than sucker John Locke.
Ben was born on the island, though? WTF? Where does this fit in with Danielle/Alex and the French?
I'm beginning to think that Locke's father is the real Sawyer.
Holy Crap!
Aaaand ... quester sums up my reaction perfectly.
Maybe Ben is God! @@
Why can't I stop watching? Why do I watch a show that makes the baby Jesus cry and cry?!
We were brainwashed by the X-files and Buffy to hang-in-there-it'll-get-better.
And I of course, have no life and nothing better to do.
Come on! That was fun.
Wacked out Locke is always worth watching.
I suppose this means that Kate and Sayid are in prison for the duration. . . or until somebody comes to rescue them.