Remarkably convenient for the writers, too.
I really have to stop watching Lost, as I've become one of those people who watch something to criticize it. Seriously, though - 7 episodes into the new season. The large ensemble cast has really been 95% about 3 of them. The story was, after spending the last two seasons tracking the cast aways, dressing up and studying them, The Others took them and... uhm.. Put them in confined spaces. And then they escaped. We pretty much had no real explanations about anything, but I'm sure once/if the writers stop smoking crack and doing LSD (at the same time) they might think of a reason why Kate and Sawyer were taken. Other than "THEY ARE HAWT!!!1!".
See? I need to stop watching. But, for some reason, I just can't bring myself to look away. I actually thought it was a really promising series at first, with a great dynamic between Locke and Jack, some lovely light/dark parallels and all that joy.
The problems with Lost I see aren't that difficult. You could make a ten point action plan, and improve the series immeasurably. But nobody on the production or network side seems to agree, and as a result the ratings are sliding.
Locke who? Yes, they do need to get back to the main island.
I've decided to read a book on Wednesday evenings, and then read comments here on Thursdays otherwise I'll be the one watching and bitching. Y'all are my Lostometers, so I'll know if the show ever becomes watchable again.
Week 1: no regrets! No back to the library for Week 2, any suggestions?
Finally caught up on Lost. I think I'll keep watching Bones live. Lost, well, I've lost a lot of interest. I'm so tired of the "Jack in anguish face," the "Sawyer, see my fierceness face" and the "Kate po' face." I want Sun and Jin, I want Hurley, I want Locke. Yes, I want the show that I started watching three years ago back. Hear me TV big shots? I want the
Lost back. Not this recycled-by-the-week crap. Move along now, there's nothing left to see here.
Are Lost and Bones on at the same time where you live? (Because where I live Bones is on 2 hours earlier.)
Bones is on at 8pm. To be honest, I don't even know when Lost is on anymore since I TiVo it. It used to be on at 8 here. I know you're CST, too, so I'm thinking it's more a local network thing.
ETA: I have to take that back. Bones is on at 7pm. I've been TiVoing it, too. I think it was on at 8 for a while, but got shifted back to 7 once American Idol started up.
goes to sit with Sail, for lo, she has spicy brains
They were running two episodes of Bones a week for a while. (I would be happy if Bones were at 8 -- it would help to clear up one of my big tv logjams.)
running two episodes of Bones a week for a while
Ah, that's where my brain got confuzzled!
Ah, I love our regular Lost guys.
I had hoped I could watch my FNL tape in the hour between FNL and Lost but it just didn't work out quite right this week. (I have just under 10 minutes left on the FNL tape.)
I have to say that the Jericho catch-up show was a waste of time.