"Who is 'Jacob', and why is Jack not on his 'list'?" I don't remember anything about this plot point--can someone remind me?
The gun toting guy who followed Danny from the surgery gallery to Sawyer's cage said something like "...besides, Shepard isn't even on Jacob's list" as they emerged from the building.
We've had a couple of lists in previous episodes. (I just realized that there isn't anyone left to care about the missing kids from the tail).
I'm guessing that Jacob will be the mysterious "he" referred to by the others in the Claire-in-the-Staff-hatch eps.
"Lost" gets a new timeslot when it returns in February -- one hour later on Wednesday.
t points Narrator to the immediately preceeding post
Oops. My computer doesn't show P-C's posts -- they're "blinvisible" or something.
Narrator is a poopyhead! Nyah nyah nyah!
Click on the "unblock" button, Narrator. You probably inadvertantly blocked him at some point. I've been randomly and accidentally blocking people since we put in the feature.
I seem to bat about .500 at blocking people when I'm trying to mark a post.
The one that sticks in my memory most, is Nilly, because who would block Nilly? I'd block the rest of the site, including my own posts, and still read Nilly's posts.
So, does the move to 10 mean more nekked?
Rather odd to think of choosing between American Idol and Lost. Then again, I can't imagine tuning in and watching Idol. (sorry fans)
Also, P-C and Narrator, Hee!