Kate's adoptive dad seemed to think finding out she was biologically related to The Exploding Bed Guy would be the tipping point that pushed her from snarky to murderous.
At least back then when she wanted someone dead, she didn't take half measures. I think her chosen method would have finished off anyone on television except Clark fromSmallville.
I finally watched the episode tonight. That is all.
I kept thinking there was something I should be watching at 9 last night....
I tried to watch Daybreak, because pretty, but I got tired and went to bed. I'll try it again though. I'm thinking it will show again. And perhaps again.
This week's issue of Entertainment Weekly (the "Inspirations" issue) has a conversation with the three creators of Lost (Abrams, Lindelof, and Cuse) chatting with Stephen King. Not too spoilery, although they do promise that Season 3.5 will include revelations about
Jack's tattoos, Locke's wheelchair, and Desmond's clairvoyance
, as well as Juliet getting an ep, we'll see what happened when
Desmond turned the key at the hatch at the end of last season.
They address the various King references they've put into the show, including something that never occurred to me even though I've been aware of most of The Stand references--Charlie is loosely based on Larry "Baby, Can You Dig Your Man" Underwood.
One thing that they mention is "Who is 'Jacob', and why is Jack not on his 'list'?" I don't remember anything about this plot point--can someone remind me?
Has anyone seen the little "Lost" snippets that ABC is supposed to be showing during Daybreak? (Which I haven't been watching. . . ) I saw one on the ABC website (from the 22nd) but the others don't appear to be there anymore.