nekkid Sawyer nonwithstanding. (Because, seriously...all I could think during that scene was how long it had been since they'd showered or eaten anything other than a fish biscuit. Ew.)
Despite the nekkid Sawyer, all I could think of was the probable size of the audience of leering Others just on the other size of the bars.
Do you think that Monica killed Kevin? Is she a Black Widow? (Or are they leaving the door open for other guest appearances by NF?)
no, she didn't kill him. she just didn't want him to be implicated when she went back on the run.
also? i kind of liked this episode, but then i'm a Kate/Sawyer girl. Nathan didn't hurt either.
I thought this was to be the episode that would. CHANGE. EVERYTHING?
No, that was last week. This week was supposed to be the BEST. EPISODE. OF. THE. SEASON.
Which...I hope not, since we still have 16 EPISODES IN A ROW. NO REPEATS. NOT. ONE.
At least Juliet is preeeeeeeeeeeeeetty.
(Because, seriously...all I could think during that scene was how long it had been since they'd showered or eaten anything other than a fish biscuit. Ew.)
Ha. Me, too.
Nathan? Still too pretty to die. And we got him in a cop uniform, shirtless, and in a tuxedo. Who could ask for more (except possibly making him a fireman when the floods roll back).
Was no one mildly bemused by the fact that the girl Alex(andra), supposedly the stolen daughter of Danielle, called I'm-gonna-keel-you-Sawyer-guy "Daddy"?
Bev, that and why on earth would she try to set them loose if she knew they were on a second island? So, who is scamming who here?
I didn't notice that she called that guy "Daddy".
Come on -- you don't believe that second island stuff! Do you?
Well, I don't think it's necessarily a second island. Or there's a submerged causeway, you just have to push the button to raise. Once you find the button, of course. Or there's a boat, or it's just a reeeeeelly really deep cove, or the perspective's wonky from the point where Ben took Sawyer. Geography I'm not so good at.
But I do think Alex was trying to make trouble, since we haven't seen the kid who was in Kate's cage since he tried to set Sawyer free, and that's the boyfriend Alex is trying to find.
Also, what the hell are those slatted tables in the enclosure they're keeping Jack--are they animal necropsy tables? Strap the polar bears or dolphins down and perform experiments on them tables? Ugh.