I was so irritated by last night's episode, I can't begin to tell you how many times I yelled at the TV... I mean really, a "pacemaker" implanted with a syringe? What they have nano-technology now??? Plus Sawyer would have 2 incisions not just one tiny one – unless they’ve also figured out how to generate the power for the pacemaker without any, you know, power source.
The Others, and especially Ben really bug me. I need to know why they act like they do, to not be glad that one of them dies. I did love when Jack was a jerk to Juliette. That was the best part when he told her he didn’t care enough to make her feel better. Snarky Jack is fun.
I'm almost looking forward to Daybreak. Then I can give up and watch Criminal Minds instead.
I mean really, a "pacemaker" implanted with a syringe? What they have nano-technology now???
I thought the syringe was just drugs to knock him out so they could do the surgery. (Or, rather, to knock him out so they could make the fake incision.)
I did get a giggle out of them saying "No, it has to go through the sternum! Like in the movie!"
I did get a giggle out of them saying "No, it has to go through the sternum! Like in the movie!"
And they saw the movie where?
They have cds -- I'm sure they've got dvds.
Perhaps a group Netflix membership.
I thought the syringe was just drugs to knock him out so they could do the surgery
I did get a giggle out of them saying "No, it has to go through the sternum! Like in the movie
See that's what I thought when they were first doing it, but then the "go through the sternum" stuff made me go .. Huh?
Nope, but that's a spoiler for 24.
I thought it was a spoiler for
See that's what I thought when they were first doing it, but then the "go through the sternum" stuff made me go .. Huh?
Well, you have to go through the sternum. There's no using injecting drugs into the bone.
I suspected that there was actually no pacemaker, since they didn't really offer Sawyer any proof, nor could they without, well, blowing him up. So that wasn't a huge surprise.
I'm baffled as to how everyone managed to miss the other island. Didn't Sayid circumnavigate the island in the first season? And Desmond had a sailboat!
I still like the show and find it intriguing. And it helps that Juliet is pretty.
you have to go through the sternum
Yeah I got that (BTW how much pressure would you have to use to push a needle through bone?) and realistically I get what they were trying to do but really? Wouldn't it have been just as menacing to walk up to him and show him the syringe with the sedative?
Didn't Sayid circumnavigate the island in the first season? And Desmond had a sailboat!
In season 1, didn't they climb to a high point on the island? They should have seen the other island, right? Or maybe they didn't go high enough? Besides Sayid seeing it when he was mapping the island. AND Sun, Jin and Sayid seeing it when they were sailing to the other side of the island. Unless that island is the size of Hawaii?
Perhaps when the helicoptor or Galactica drops out of the sky -- all the others will be taken out.
BTW, did the whole
Of Mice and Men
quoting have any significance AT ALL?
I can't answer that without being politically incorrect, sumi.