Are you talking about the X-Files episode, "Home"?
Very fucked up. But one of my favorites.
"Home" is the episode that got me started watching
The X-Files.
How fucked up is that? The completist in me wouldn't let me start up mid-series, but I was living in France, came home one night, turned on the TV at the beginning of the episode, and was so into it by the time Mulder and Scully came on and I realized what it was that I couldn't turn back. Lucky for me, in Europe, the entire series was already available at the video store so I could catch up.
So, is everyone excited and waiting on the edge of their seats for tonight's new episode?
I'll be watching. And maybe posting. It should be good to see some of the cast that we haven't seen yet. No more flashback please unless it provides a vital link to sense making stuff.
According to Zap2it Boone will be back in tonight's episode.
I'd like to see flashbacks of the Others. Despite Ben saying he'd been born on the island, I can't quite believe it. If he was, and the rest of them were, why have they accepted their lot and not tried to leave? They've had a long time to work on it.
There is yet no reason for me to believe anything that Ben has said.
That, too! That's why I want backstory. Let us in, just a little bit, on the secret? Drag it out too long and I just get bored.
Well, damn. I'm going to have to get the season 2 DVDs. From the previouslies, I can see I missed quite a bit and didn't realize it.
And Locke's back. And nuts. Whee!
Missed the previously stuff. I saw much of last year, but not all.
Get things done Locke is a good thing. I don't like screw up Locke.