I'm assuming that chick-in-the-bushes (was that Alex?) is part of whatever game is being played on Sawyer and Kate.
You think so? Given what we've seen of Alex, I think she's working against the Others, not with them. That they have her dress suggests she was captured before.
She read like a big faker in that scene with Kate, I thought.
Given what we've seen of Alex, I think she's working against the Others, not with them. That they have her dress suggests she was captured before.
She was with the Others when Claire was captured, wasn't she? I think it's all play-acting for Sawyer and Kate's benefit, at this point. The Others aren't having rocks broken up because they need broken up rocks, that much I'm sure of.
They could just buy broken-up rocks from Amazon, after all.
didn't she help Claire escape from The Others though?
Yeah, and I now suspect that that was part of the Others plan all along.
Huh, I just read on another board that the woman who Sun shot on the boat was the actress who played Trixie on DEADWOOD. Didn't recognize her at all. I wonder if Sun will turn out to be a better shot than Trixie was...
Thaht's what made me most afraid for Sun, realizing she was up against Trixie. They showed that the wound was in her leg, didn't they?
Really? I thought it was square in the stomach, and Sun became the umpteenth person on the island to have killed someone.
I thought it was upper thigh. But I didn't go back and check or anything, I could easily be wrong. My pattern recognition software has been hinky lately.