I love a good conspiracy theory, but I'm not that interested in the one on "Lost." I'm absolutely along for the ride and may ride it out at least this season and next, but I would like more supernatural funkiness and more about the original survivors.
Something that feels more planned out.
yeah, used to be my head would spin with the wacked-out sci-fi/fantastical stuff. Now my head is spinning, but not in a cool way, with this mundane conspiracy crap.
But, (casting spoiler) there's
[casting spoiler deleted by stompy]
Juliebird -- we have a rule against any spoilers in this thread, even in whitefont. Casting spoilers go into Spoilage Lite.
Oooh, Sun was a baaad girl.
Sawyer -- still funny.
The shock thing (was that a cattle prod?) -- really not that funny.
Damn, I don't know who I've got more sympathy for, Sun or Jin.
I know!
And Kate sucks. . . where was her capacity for mayhem? I thought that she'd join in! So you put her in a little frock and she gets all demure?
Oh right, Lost is on.
I guess this is why I have Tivo.
Well, shit. Did not expect that. And here I was thinking Jin was a scary dude.