Yeah. When the new shows were announced, I went around and made a list of what I wanted to watch.... when I looked at the time, they had House moving to Wednesday. But when I pulled up the Fox Mid-Season Schedule, it looks different than what I remembered.
t /Fox shill
Yeah, looks likes Justice is moving to an earlier timeslot and House is staying right where it is.
Okay, looking at House, it says 9:00 on the schedule, which I'm assuming (eep) means EST, therefore 8:00 CST (my time.) So, it's actually going to be on an hour later than it is now (7:00 CST.)
I may have to get a TiFaux just to keep up with the precession of shows around the schedule.
I'm probably still watching Lost, although I have no more hope of any kind of meaningful resolution of anything. I'm just masochistic enough to keep going back.
i'm only sticking around because i'm a masochist and possibly a completist.
i'm only sticking around because i'm a completist and possibly a masochist.
Ditto with the wait and see about season 3. I was on the verge of dropping season 2 about five times, and it kept sucking me back in. I'm pretty much out of second chances.
check out the youtube video at the bottom of the article. More Hanso Foundation stuff:
"What does all that mean? Is it just fun or is it a clue?" Emerson asked. "Dorothy is sort of shipwrecked in a strange place far from home, but hers was a fantasy. It wasn't real.
It was real in the book.
t /pedant
PC Magazine lists the gadgets you need when you're Lost:
Kate was a bad girl before the crash. But, I'd like to think that the island has brought out her good side. She's always lugging around that backpack of hers, but she needs to replace it with the Voltaic Daypack. It includes a 2,200mAh Li-Ion battery pack with 3 voltage settings so that she can charge devices via solar power. And what could she charge? Every woman stranded on a monster-inhabited island needs the Panasonic Toughbook W4, which is the toughest laptop around. Plus, it makes a great projectile and can easily be flung while running from maniacal "The Others."