How will Jack find out he has a sister?
*If* Claire is his half-sister (and the way everything is connected, it's entirely plausible that she is), Claire could make a comment about how she never knew who her father was, but her mother always referred to him as a drunk surgeon, or something.
And Jack will think, "Oh my God! There is only one drunk surgeon on earth, and he was my father!"
I wonder if the Lostaways have clued in to the fact that they're all connected. They should undergo some mass hypnosis where they discover they all went to the same party one time.
Has anyone else read Bad Twin, the Lost tie-in novel yet? Even though it's supposed to be written as a fiction work by someone on the flight, it's a bit difficult to reconcile that perspective with the content because it clearly reflects things/speculation/theories from the show, like [the author's name being an anagram for purgatory; repeated mentions of good versus evil and seeing whether or not a person can really change; groups of isolated islands, "landlocked" islands, or closed communities appearing in the story; a mention of philosopher John Locke in comparison to science (Jack?) and religion (Eko?); a boat called "Escape Hatch"; and The Hanso Foundation, Paik Heavy Industries, and the name Widmore figuring into the plot.]
Has anyone else read Bad Twin
Sawyer was reading it just last night.
Was that the one that was thrown in the fire?
Yup. It was a manuscript he found.
Heh. Guess that means the end might be rewritten.
Maybe by 'us' Henry meant 'the good ones', and Shannon was included on the white list. That'd add up to three.
Heh. Guess that means the end might be rewritten.
Yeah, that might be a commentary by the writers as to what they had to do when the actors were fired, if they were...
Shannon was included on the white list
I have a hard time believing this! However, I have no idea about the value system of the Others. I know that Shannon does not equal one of the good ones in *my* value system... heh.