I actually thought she was going to push him off the cliff at the end.
Glad it wasn't just me.
How excellent was Dave? I loved him for no other reason than that he was Harry on Sex & the City.
Who I'll always remember as Shrug from a show I'm totally memfaulting on the name of but was trying to be an LA version of SEINFELD and starred Chris Eigeman (sp?) and Jennifer Grey as herself.
The scene didn't come off as forced to me, but I don't think the romance is genuine on Libby's part. When they walked away from the cliff, and Hurley asked if she thought he really could change, and she said yes, she fell a step or two behind him, and the look on her face was part disgust and part something very creepy/vindictive.
Yeah -- I haven't quite made up my mind about whether it was supposed to come off like that, or if Libby's just not a very good actress. It's hard to tell, since we didn't really get to know her before.
And when someone you're starting a tentative romance with asks if they can change, the correct answer is not an unqualified Yes! It's "Yes, but don't change too much, because there are some things I really like about you." Bitch. It's Joey/Pacey all over again.
FAQWife knew Dave from Law & Order. I guess he was (is?) a recurring character?
FAQWife knew Dave from Law & Order. I guess he was (is?) a recurring character?
Don't know about that, but he was also the Bill-O'Reilly-wet-dream-of-a-lawyer-representing-a-terrorist on 24 last year.
Yes, and he was on some show with the guy who is in all those Whit Stillman pictures and played Lorelai's boyfriend before she and Luke got back together. . .
I'm sure this clarified things for you all.
Yes, and he was on some show with the guy who is in all those Whit Stillman pictures and played Lorelai's boyfriend before she and Luke got back together. . .
Right, that was the one I mentioned that had Jennifer Grey as Jennifer Grey, wacky neighbor. "It's Like...You Know." maybe?
Random question: if Libby is a natural brunette, as seen by the flashback to the hospital, shouldn't her roots be showing after 40+days on the island?
Yes! And the Rayanne actress was in it too.