He was! He was the pre-filer guy on the Inside!
Michael Emerson. I loathe David Kelley but for some reason I was dumb enough to watch The Practice, and Emerson will always be Lindsay's stalker to me (as Clancy Brown will always be the big guy in Bad Boys.) In real life he's married to Carrie Preston, who played the mother on the same Inside episode and the nun on Wonderfalls.
What I want to know is, if Other?guy is an other or is not an other, if he's been on the island four months, formerly rich or not, how come his clothes were clean and in good repair? Huh? He looked practically simonized when he tumbled out of the cargo net trap.
I hope the frog carried a hallucenogenic toxin and Sawyer has Big Regrets for squishing the little critter. I love Sawyer's dimples and drawl, whether he's good, bad, indifferent. But squishing itty bitty frogs is very uncool. Bad trips in revenge, I decree it.
Davis or Panzer, one of the Highlander producer types, said that Clancy was sorta in a world all his own when he was working on the Kurgan, and nobody much bothered him. But the scariest thing I've ever seen him do (and he's done some freaky deaky shit) was Love, Lies and Murder with Moira Kelly, Cheryl Lee and Cynthia Nixon. Made your blood run cold he was so wrong. I love Clance.
But squishing itty bitty frogs is very uncool. Bad trips in revenge, I decree it.
And boils in inconvenient places. Poor froggy.
Jossed/retconned/whatever the single creepiest Angelus moment.
Heh. For me, that moment was "God is watching."
From WAY back:
Also, I couldn't help but remember the recent Vatican retraction of limbo and how that impacts on the whole "Aaron's damned to hell if he's not baptized" issue that Charlie has, because as a devout Catholic, he should know that Aaron would end up in limbo, not hell (at least, as far as he knew about Catholic teachings at the time of the crash).
If I remember my Dante correctly, Limbo actually is the first circle of Hell, but it's the place set aside for virtuous pagans and unbaptized children. Those inside aren't actively tormented by demons and the like, but their existence is devoid of hope because they can never come to know God.
Drew Goddard is joining the staff of "Lost."
They need someone good at continuity.
So, I'm surprised. Nobody else twitched at "Henry Gale"?
Cause, dude -- Dorothy's uncle. And he arrived in a balloon. Totally an Other.
I was waiting for him to say his wife's name was Emily; shame he didn't.
I can't believe I missed that.
You and everyone else, I think, Sean. Although I bet they caught it over at TWOP, they usually do. It just struck me, and the balloon sealed it.
I had to stop my tape and laugh like a loon when he mentioned the balloon. I was also waiting for Emily to be the wife's name.