It's a blog, in reality, not private communication.
It's a journal. That's weird. Unless she's in the process of blogging (which I consider publishing to an audience that may not be personally known to you), what's the relevance?
I'd tell her it's not a blog, and not relevant, and then show her something shiny in the opposite direction.
Allyson, I'd create an entirely new LJ and put all the cool stuff that the publisher wants on there.
Hire a hit man!
Oh crap.
And it turns out that Natter only had cheese anyway....
Kill the natter! Kill the natter!
And we called this one The Nice One?
And we called this one The Nice One?
Well, we said it was nice. We never said we were nice.
Come on, people. This will be my one accomplishment for the day, helping turn over Natter.
Some people consider a blog to be as public as anything else that's published. (Unless, of course, it's locked.)