Poking head to post now (since I won't have any computer access this weekend) that,
according to the Buffista Calendar, Saturday, the 5th, will be CaBil's birthday, and to send him early wishes.
Have a nice rest-of-the-week and a great weekend, everybody!
I got one wrong on the English test. I'm kinda pissed. It was a trick question!
I feel clearheaded so far this morning. Wish me luck.
Six of twelve on Dickens, which isn't bad considering I don't think I've ever read any. Not in twenty-some years, anyway.
I got one wrong on the English test. I'm kinda pissed. It was a trick question!
Which question? Food for thought?
20/20 here. What was the trick question?
It wasn't really a trick question. I just thought that long lost (or long-lost) brothers deserved exclamation points even more than they deserve hyphens.
I was probably lucky with the spelling questions -- my spelling is pretty bad right now, and will continue to be for about a week. But they didn't have *my* particular misspellings of the words they offered up, so I was golden.
The math one was fun when I worked out how they wanted me to estimate things. And annoying when I didn't work out in time how they wanted me to.
More on avian flu:
1) A lot of the money is being spent on National Guard for quarantine. And he is giving authority go homeland security -useless and dangerous.
2)So far manadory licensing of Tanaflu does not seem to be happening. My feeling is have the feds give anyone able to produce it a license to do so, assume the liability for the copyright violation, and let the manufacturer sue the feds while the stockpile gets created.
3) On the optimistic side - a lot of deaths from flu are due to secondary infection. We have antibiotics, oxygen tanks and glucose drips to today - not available in 1918. So maybe death toll won't be as high when it happens.
::compulsively uses hand sanitizer::
Project must be sent to Portland at noon my time. Just got an e-mail from someone I've never heard of before, asking if we can't change the name of the system, because he finds the name we're using "kind of a mouthful."