Holy crap, that story was messed up. Interesting that it was so long ago, though, given all the stuff about girls maturing early now.
I need to be writing my part of a group paper for a meeting I have today at 5, but I may not actually go to the meeting, as I Don't Feel Well. Good thing I randomly bought ginger ale at the grocery store last night. Maybe it was a premonition!
Instead of working, so far I am importing my Christmas music into iTunes, in preparation for possibly making a gift mix.
Happiest of birthdays, Amych!
Tom and Jessica, your pictures are provoking a profound sense of nostalgia and wishing for snow for me. Even though I can get to snow here by going to the mountains, it's not the same as seeing city streets covered.
This. I don't miss the cold, but I do miss the snow.
Also, ita's link is making me squirm.
Happy Birthday, amych!!!
ita, I've read that link before. It's just as freaky the second time around. *shudder*
OMG, what is wrong with me?
Oh Jessica! What great shots and how fun to romp in the first snow!
-t, I don't think I've posted with you ever since Katrina, so welcome back and how are you doing?
I love this.
Thanks for the snow pics!
DH's Revenge: His boss made him read the book Blink so he's getting his boss this book for Christmas.
Hi Nilly, it has been a long time! I'm doing well, signing a lease on a house in California tomorrow, in fact. How is your refrigerator?