I'm being pressured to give a picture of myself to the webmaster of the site for a group I belong to at work.
I do not want a photo of me on the web next to my work address and phone. This makes me extraordinarily uncomfortable. When I say I would prefer not to, I get coaxed and prodded and such. But i mean it. I don't like it, I don't feel safe doing it, and I prefer to keep my work life and web life separate.
I know I'm being perceived as belligerent.
You want I should come 'splain why that's a horrible thing to ask of someone. Seriously, that's wrong. You're not being beligerent; you're being smart.
I've had a no good very bad day. I'm home at not even 8, listening to a song, the first words of which are "No one will ever love you Heather." yay.
It sounds like you are being pretty reasonable, Allyson. Would they accept a stick figure self-portrait, instead?
eta: Sorry about the bad day, Daisy. I keep meaning to tell you, your new name constatly earworms me with "Bicycle Buit for Two". Which is fine, b/c I like the song and all, but it does eventually start to make me wonder if someone is about to reprogram me with an ax...
ita, I am also happy they didn't find anything nasty and sad that there is no diagnosis yet.
I watched part of VH1s Top 40 Videos of 2005. . . why was Eric Roberts in so many videos? And of course, one of them also had Wentworth Miller.
Allyson, you're being reasonable.
I don't understand this drive to have all staff pictures up on websites. It's really unnecessary.
I'll totally send them my stor.
Damn! I just realized I forgot to tape the return of Noah Drake to GH today.
Yes, It's another exciting Friday night for me.
The stor is a good idea, Allyson.
That By Accident site is bananas.
And a huge benefit of being a much bigger person than my mother meant that her size 6 shoes (and boots and etc.) fit me perfectly when I was about 10. Dressup was AWESOME.
I just had a slightly cranky-making hour or so, including my train line stopping running because of a "smoke investigation," so I had to walk, not terribly far, but two stops that I would have preferred to ride. The word on the street was that it was bullshit, part of a slow down tactic, because the MTA union contract is up in two weeks.