Yay for nothing urgently wrong, but a solution would be nice.
What are people doing this weekend?
Tonight Italian with friends. Tomorrow soccer game. I hope to buy a Christmas tree and decorate the house this weekend. I know there is something else urgent on my list, but I can't remember what it was.
ita - I'm glad it's nothing terrible.
Did they test for Cylon chip implants?
shrift, I'll have recs done too, so we can try and hook up on that this weekend.
Cool. Right now I plan to be online Saturday afternoon/evening, and I got nothing going on Sunday. You probably won't want me attempting to write code when I get home tonight from the par-tay.
We're car minivan shopping this weekend. And I'll be trying not to stress about the money.
Oh, man do those banana protectors look porny.
I forgot I was getting my hair cut and colored on Saturday morning. I'll get to read trashy magazines and have someone else wash my hair in the swirly swirly warm water. Heaven.
How much right to privacy does a 17 year old have?
Girl can sue school for telling mom she's gay
SANTA ANA, Calif. - A federal judge ruled that a lesbian student can sue her school district and her principal for revealing her homosexuality to her mother.
Charlene Nguon, 17, may go forward with her suit claiming violation of privacy rights, U.S. District Judge James V. Selna ruled in a decision dated Nov. 28 and announced Thursday by the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California.
Orange County’s Garden Grove district had argued that Nguon openly kissed and hugged her girlfriend on campus and thus had no expectation of privacy.
The lawsuit also claims discrimination, contending Nguon was suspended several times for ignoring orders from the principal to stop hugging and kissing her girlfriend. Heterosexual couples engaging in similar behavior were not disciplined, the lawsuit contends.
Bastards. They should be consistent.
I'm sorry they didn't find anything that would lead to a cure, ita, but glad they didn't find anything really wrong.
Tomorrow I am taking Emmett to Triple-A tryouts. He's a little anxious about it. But it shouldn't be a big deal. We got new cleats because his feet are growing at a scary pace. He's already up to size 5 shoes. Which means his feet are already bigger than Nilly's feet.
Other than that I am going to try and relax a little bit after many months of stress. Relax. JZ needs a haircut, so I'll probably take care of that. Maybe I should go the Robin route and buy her some trashy magazines too. Though honestly our house never lacks for trashy magazines.
DH just got asked to review Aeon Flux, so we'll be seeing that. I also plan to do a lot of sleeping.
If the decision to not show it to critics until after the release is any indication, you might be well advised to combine the two activities.
ita, I'm glad they didn't find anything bad, but I hope that someone can figure out a way to stop your fainting and headaches soon. Take care.