I really don't wnat to deal with my school work, which I know is a Bad Plan. At least I've finally gotten to the planning stages. And crap, I just remembered I was supposed to do laundry today. I guess it can wait until Sunday.
Now my left hand is all shaky and I don't know why. I was just on the phone for a while, and then hand-wrote a page of stuff, but still. It's weird.
Banana protector
Looks obscene, but isn't.
Aren't I supposed to be feeling better by now?
t /my plague likes carrots
Looks obscene, but isn't.
You know, it really *does* look obscene, but it's also not a bad idea.
Huh. So I guess I got a raise? Although 2% isn't making me feel chuffed enough to tackle the disaster area that is my inbox at 4pm on a Friday.
I have another hour to survive.
I feel kind of off, but I'm not sure why/how. I BETTER NOT BE GETTING SICK.