Lori, me, me!
I would have stayed home yesterday, or at least attempted to work from home, but the two times I have tried to work from home because a migraine made it unsafe for me to drive but not to work, my bosses in NY decided that I needed to just call in sick. Between that, being a new employee, and having had to take sick time because of my teeth problems, I am down to .70 days of sick time. (I have never come close to running out before in any of my other jobs), and I am damned if I am going to take vacation time for a cold.
Okay, this is a fantastic picture.
Perkins, had you already done work on those days? My first boss's boss here explained to me that if you do two hours of work (I think he claimed it California law) and you're a salaried employee, it counts as a full day. Not that it's something you want to try and get away with, but still -- he laughingly suggested one dial in for a couple hours a day from Bali, or wherever, and never take any vacation time.
I got more honey, a lemon, cough medicine, and cough drops at the sto' and made some plans to get better.
First: Laundry. Clean fresh jammies and sheets are in order. Then: hot bath with a hot milk bubble bar.
Curl up in bed, drink hot tea, take medicine, watch Dead Like Me, sleeeeep.
Wake up, chug more orange juice, tell cold to fuck off.
Perkins, had you already done work on those days? My first boss's boss here explained to me that if you do two hours of work (I think he claimed it California law) and you're a salaried employee, it counts as a full day. Not that it's something you want to try and get away with, but still -- he laughingly suggested one dial in for a couple hours a day from Bali, or wherever, and never take any vacation time.
On one of the days, I did, and counted it as a half day, since I didn't feel comfortable claiming I worked a full day. On the other day I just thought fuck it, and went back to bed.
I have eight hours left, lori. I may need to borrow.
You can probably mock up some form that will let us do that, right?
I vaguely remember having sick days, once upon a time. I didn't use them up, and they didn't get paid out (like vacation days did) when I quit. But they didn't disappear at te end of te year, either.
This is about the third time I've heard about this, but it still cracks me up.
In our test, the snide asides became stale long before the first short drive was over. It was kind of funny at first, but there are only so many times I want to hear Mr. T, without apparent provocation, threaten to come out of my navigation device and beat me.
Where the typical navigation system says "You have reached your destination," Mr.T's voice follows that with: "What is that? That's where you were going? Oh, man. You wasted my time!"
How much sick time to folks get per year?
My firm's holidays in our international offices. Tokyo wins for quantity and whimsy.
The London office:
New Year’s Day (National Holiday) Monday - January 2, 2006
Good Friday Friday - April 14
Easter Monday Monday - April 17
May Bank Holiday Monday - May 1
Spring Bank Holiday Monday - May 29
August Bank Holiday Monday - August 28
Christmas Day Monday - December 25
Boxing Day Tuesday - December 26
The Paris office:
New Year’s Day Sunday - January 1, 2006
Easter Monday Monday - April 17
Labor Day Monday - May 1
Victory Day Monday - May 8
Ascension Day Thursday - May 25
Pentecost Monday - June 5
National Holiday Friday - July 14
Assumption Day Tuesday - August 15
All Saints Day Wednesday - November 1
Victory of 1918 Saturday - November 11
Christmas Day Monday - December 25
The Brussels office:
New Year’s Day Sunday - January 1, 2006
Easter Monday Monday - April 17
Labor Day Monday - May 1
Ascension Day Thursday - May 25
Whit Monday Monday - June 5
National Holiday Friday - July 21
Assumption Day Tuesday - August 15
All Saints Day Wednesday - November 1
Armistice Day Saturday* - November 11
Christmas Day Monday - December 25
The Frankfurt office:
New Year’s Day Sunday - January 1, 2006
Good Friday Friday - April 14
Easter Monday Monday - April 17
May Day Monday - May 1
Ascension Day Thursday - May 25
Pentecost Monday - June 5
Corpus Christi Thursday - June 15
German Reunification Day Tuesday - October 3
Christmas Holiday Sunday - December 24
Monday - December 25
Tuesday December 26
New Year’s Eve Sunday - December 31
The Tokyo office:
New Year’s Day Monday - January 2, 2006
Coming-of-Age Day Monday - January 9
National Foundation Day Saturday - February 11
Vernal Equinox Day Tuesday - March 21
Green Day Saturday - April 29
Constitution Day Wednesday - May 3
National Holiday Thursday - May 4
Children’s Day Friday - May 5
Ocean Day Monday - July 17
Respect-for-the Aged Day Monday - September 18
Autumn Equinox Day Saturday - September 23
Health Sports Day Monday - October 9
Culture Day Friday - November 3
Labor Thanksgiving Day Thursday - November 23
Emperor’s Birth Day Saturday - December 23