I knew someone who had goats as pets. Lived not far from here. She liked them better than dogs.
Also? People should not call me today. Especially with copyright questions. Because a) it's basically an honor system around here and there is virtually no prosecution of misuse because it's kind of a waste of resources and b) I keep forgetting I don't have much of a voice.
MUCH smarter than sheep
That's kind of a backhanded compliment. I think even chickens are smarter than sheep.
Also? People should not call me today. Especially with copyright questions.
Good idea. People should not call me today, either. Especially with copyright questions for Thailand. Because a) I don't need to know the million different copyright thingies other people in my company know in order to do my job, and b) HI, NOT IN THAILAND.
OH, I just remember something from last week or two weeks ago, I was out at lunch and while walking saw two people dressed oddly bright and attracting attention a little more than normal. I noticed the first one I saw had a name tag on that made me chuckle a bit, then I noticed the second did also and realized something must be going on. The nametags were "Mrs. Peacock" nad "Professor Plum". On the way back from lunch, I see who I think is a different Prof. Plum and I ask him if there is some sort of role-playing game going on of Clue and he tried to tell me yes, while staying in character. I couldn't really deal with him being "the character" so I just went on. Anyone in NYC hear anything about this? It was in the GCT area.
I just looked at myself in the mirror, and I'm sorry I don't have any more interviews today. I look damn good! And professional, even! Almost like a grownup! Scary.
Also? People should not call me today. Especially with copyright questions.
I totally agree, since the less annoying of the two calls I've gotten are from one of the billing processers fretting over one $1.10 bill and one $49.00 bill. Dude, you just wasted about $115 dollars of our time, and you had to be talked out of calling the partner for the $1.10 bill. You're stupid. Go away.
Poor ita. I hope you feel better. What are cascading headaches?
I just looked at myself in the mirror, and I'm sorry I don't have any more interviews today. I look damn good! And professional, even! Almost like a grownup! Scary.
I'll interview you! Can we get a videoconference set up?
Turns out the town I live in now, was a dumping ground from "problem priests". and there are still people that don't believe it. and we also have a local priest( with a very good reputation) that is leaving the church because the morals and ethics of the church don't match the behavior of the church. It isn't just one person.
but Tom made me very happy with the news that Kim Possible is being renewed.
we also have a local priest( with a very good reputation) that is leaving the church because the morals and ethics of the church don't match the behavior of the church.
Isn't this the kind of thing that started the Reformation, back in the day?