Although somewhere without streets covered in sheets of ice might be nice.
This is Durham, NC, almost all the time. (OK, there was that week about three years ago. But we moved past it.) Yes, I'm trying to get out, but then I have this whole thing against being landlocked, with hot summers. There are a whole lot of former Michiganders around here (me, for starters).
While I like LA, the prospect of actually living there doesn't help my blood pressure problem at the moment.
Yeah, LA isn't for everyone.
Although somewhere without streets covered in sheets of ice might be nice.
Well, if you don't like winter, then you might be ok...
However, abusive jobs should not be passively endured, if at all possible.
Oh, if anyone want to join an online Bible study group, my wife is running one and asked me to invite people. The website with info is at [link] It may move to a forum based, rather than email-based format soon as I set up forums last night, but at the moment it's mailing list. This is a 'What did Paul mean when he said..." type Bible study and not a "When was the gospel written and who actually wrote it?" type.
One day left in the hurricane season. I think that means we won't get any more.
the natural disasters will HEAR you.
It's just never happened that one has been later, if it does, this is the year for it.
I'm excited for Chrismas this year as much for the "end of natural disaster year from hell" as much as anything else. Seriously.
I guess they'd have to ignore the pedophiles molesting young girls for starters. But then, that doesn't seem to make the papers as much as boys getting molested, even though I understand it to be considerably more common.
Well, there is a hirearchy. A man molesting a boy is the worst thing in the world. A man molesting a girl is naughty and bad but hey, who hasn't seen a cutie. A woman molesting a boy is bad but he probably wanted it anyway and a woman molesting a girl is like Victorian Lesbians -- never ever happens.
I'm really not trying to start the Michael Jackson thing up again, honest, but he shared his bed with little girls too and its NEVER an issue in the news. R. Kelly is ON TAPE having sex with an underaged girl (who elected to not press charges) and has another song climbing the charts. Mary Kay LeTorneau just married Villi.
And, of course, if the priests weren't gay they'd never mess around with little boys. They certainly have no access to other men, other CELIBATE SEXUALLLY FRUSTRATED grown men.
t eye roll forevah
The Hari Krishnas (also celibate, even after marriage) shut. down. their boarding schools, did an investigation, hired outside investigators, prosecuted the offenders, and set up a fund for the victims after pedophiles were discovered to have infiltrated.
And I think "infiltrated" is fair -- pedophiles are going to seek out unfettered accsss to kids, some by becoming dorm dads/moms, some by becoming priests. It's not a mystery that they're going to show up in these organizations and watching out for them should be a stated priorty.
I would hazzard to guess that like many pedophiles a good number of priests were themselves molested. Possibly by priests. The RC Church could stand to study this, you know? They, essentially, have a big fat multinational multigenerational dysfunctional family in this regard and instead of grilling seminarians about liking dick find out if they were molested, check thier parish history -- you know who the pervs are, you reassigned them. People can start seminary pretty damn young, treat them before they themselves become offenders.
The rent-to-own biz is set up to make big bucks off poor people
I know this and yet when I see the actual numbers in a flyer, it's like wow.
I'm not sure NYC would help the blood pressure either, but I do have a cozy spare room.
Kansas City is a nice place, but it lacks an extensive Buffista support network.
I can't tell if msbelle is trying to sell her spare room as cosy or crazy, but I bet it's a bit of both.
I will also point out that there might be a new job for shrift that doesn't even require moving.
I can't tell if I have a post-Nyquil coma or a current-Sudafed coma.
I do need to dust off my resumé, and the sooner the better. Right now, however, I'm concentrating on breathing and not keeling over and not killing people while I sort through this ginormous pile of work.
And food. Food would be a bright idea.