Vatican edict on gays divides U.S. Catholics
He added that homosexuality and the pedophile priest scandal were clearly linked.
Gay != Pedophile. Just not.
DogInFightDisclosure: I have an uncle who is a priest and, through him, know many others.
Not commenting on the Vatican, because I'm sure to offend.
Sumi, re TAR, the last episode is usually a double, and starts with four teams, so I think next week will be the finale. But I don't know for sure.
I always pinch my nose closed when I sneeze (when awake, at least). That way I usually get saliva on my hand, but no ooky snot.
Yeah, I am thinking of taking that post off. I can't discuss it rationally and I know it.
I also know that I only really ever hope there is a hell so any pedophiles who ever touched a child rots there. It's not very humane of me but it is my gut reaction that they should die and be sent straight to hell.
He added that homosexuality and the pedophile priest scandal were clearly linked.
t headdesk
I've had this argument with my MiL. She honestly believes pedophiles are gay. I've had to stop discussing the matter with her.
Cass, I don't think there's anything unduely uncivil in your linky post.
I just laugh and laugh and laugh at the Vatican. Well, it's that or throw things.
Thanks DebetEsse. I just was questioning starting the morning off with something that is so inherently controversial.
I've had to stop discussing the matter with her.
I try to learn this lesson. I really do. It just hits that button for me and sometimes I can't bite my tongue fast enough.
(I still think she shoulda stayed put until mymymymy birthday, though)
I try to learn this lesson. I really do. It just hits that button for me and sometimes I can't bite my tongue fast enough.
When she used the argument, "how else do you explain gay men going after younger men?" I think my brain exploded. There's really no arguing with people like that.
I'm cranky with a gum infection today. I need to call my dentist. *sigh*
amych, when is your birthday? (it's not on the Buffista Calendar).
something that is so inherently controversial.
Maybe I'm dense, and obviously I have no idea regarding the sensitivity of the cases the article mentions, but I can't see how can anyone see a connection between the two, other than the fact that there's a religion that forbids both.