good luck on your MRI tomorrow.
Try to keep your head still, is about the only advice I can think of. Or maybe, close your eyes if you're at all claustrophobic.
I'm planning on falling asleep. It's NINETY MINUTES. I've never had a head MRI that went more than 20 or so. And I thought the awake/asleep EEG was going to be the annoying test.
I'd forgotten that tomorrow was MRI day, ita. Good luck!
I almost fell asleep, except I never sleep on my back and the random noise was a bit too much.
One of my biggest fears was that my nose would itch and I'd be unable to scratch it. That did happen, but it was only a minor itch so it was no biggie.
Oh, I ♥ this equation. So very much.
Delurking because, love! I started university as a math major (it got hard, I switched to English. Then I couldn't get into classes because they were full, I started working part-time. Went back 10 years later to finish the English degree. Kind of wish I hadn't given up on the math though)
I still remember the day the prof did that proof in class. I wouldn't shut up about it for weeks. I still, 17 (ack!) years later, love it to pieces.
~ma and yay to all as appropriate. Good luck with the MRI, ita!
Yikes, 90 minutes. Napping sounds like a good plan. Best of luck ita. May they find nothing but spicy brains.
::snuggles with Vortex and tries not to count on her fingers::
I'm not even going to ask what makes that pretty.
MRI~ma, ita! And fingers crossed for really good results.
I'm not even going to ask what makes that pretty.
It's the whole, "No way! Really!?" aspect of it.
In my mind, pi has to do with circles, geometry, trig, etc. e has to do with logarithms, calculus and what-not, and i of course is imaginary. They seem like unmixy things.
When I saw Proof on Broadway, I was one of about three people who laughed at the line "We have a song called i where we just stand there on stage for three minutes not playing."
I've got a few minutes to kill - anyone have a link to the proof? What is that equation called, anyway?