WHEW! So glad to be home. Even if it's dryer than can be imagined.
I'm also stoked that I got my copies made (woo hoo!) and I was able to get a shirt for tomorrow. I really don't want to go to work, not because I hate work, but because I really love time off.
Also done? went to Jackalope and bought a ristra wreath that sarameg rescued from certain demise. Spoke to my bro about what he wants for christmas (nothing) and my parents will be here for the holidays which ROCKS!
poor ruby! our dog sitter was GREAT and showed up for her daily visit and the dogs daily feed and walk right after we got home.
OH! OHMIGOD! I forgot to mention! Alibelle called me on Wednesday to tell me that she got her driver's license! SO CONGRATS TO ALIBELLE. And she'll be available for LAista's hire for your petsitting needs. Support your local recent graduate!
I am finally watching last week's Gilmore Girls. Why is Luke
being such a dummy?
eta: yay for Alibelle!
All I did was hold it suspended in the car and collect its shedded pods. It's purty.
I don't wanna go back to work either. I have a one day reprieve, but it is going to be spent flying, which, you know, so exciting. Hopefully I won't have any missionaries or possibly semi-senile talkative people nearby this time.
Perkins, I think he's hoping that the whole situation will just
He doesn't know he's on a tv show, basically.
I don't want to go back to work either. Hell, I don't even want to get back into the car.
FWIW, Perkins, I wholeheartedly support your not-going-back-to-workism.
Hooray for Alibelle!
I'm thinking parts of tonight's Grey's Anatomy are less amusingly lighthearted (lightheartedly amusing?) if you're a guy.
on GA:
dr. tall dark and gorgeous is sorta rushing things, don't you think?
>Any Canadians around? I'd love to know if it's different there.
I think it waaaay less of a BFD here, and I don't think it's as family imperative. Because it's earlier in autumn, it often marks the end of the summer tourist season, so I know a lot of families that use it to close up the cottage, or to make fall leaf-peeping trips.
I've probably spent as many Thanksgivings not going home (going camping or going to people's cottages) as I have going home and not thought that much about it. It's just another long weekend for me. However, if I missed Xmas, it would be a big deal in my family.