Aside from scrambling eggs or frying bacon, which would take too damn long on most weekday mornings
Hard-boil a bunch of eggs on, say, Sunday, and then they're ready to go throughout the week.
Also, you can make bacon in the microwave -- quick, easy, no messy pan, and YUM.
Protein shakes! If you have a stick blender, some frozen fruit, some soy protein powder, you're good. It's quick and tasty.
Also, a tin of cashews or assorted nuts comes in handy when one needs a protein jumpstart. Not sure how you'd like them for breakfast though.
I had a habit for a while of making a breakfast spread of smoked salmon, triscuits, stinky cheese, avocados, olives, and sliced tomatoes. But I was never hungry for lunch after doing that, and weekend lunches are my chance to explore new restaurants (or revisit old favorites) without breaking the bank.
Where is everyone?
Reading your set-theory-hatin' link from yesterday, which is making me unspeakably angry. So it's ALL YOUR FAULT that I'm not a-nattering.
Casper: "I'm not ready to grow up!"
I'm not ready to grow up, and I have thirty-some-odd years on Casper.
We aren't having turkey for breakfast. We are having Bellinis, pancakes, eggs, ham, bacon. Life is good.
It would be excellent if people weren't (1)bored by the slow island life and (2) if I didn't have the paper due that I'm working on.
In reading my research, I read this:
The truly antisocial and deviant person is somebody who either fails to comprehend the rules of his social universe or who consciously rejects community standars in favor of self-defined guidelines.
Reading this makes me think about how the internets seem to be the realm of these people!
I am not bored by the slow island life. This may or may not be because I grew up on a slow island.
It is more likely because moving gives me a headache. Still, I have no paper to write, and am quite content.
content enough to rent the house down the street next year?