I am at the theatre "working", but right now I am just puttering. I have a lot of distressing to do and it is sort of weirdly physical work (because you sand and rasp the fabric/leather before putting any color on it). My fingers still feel sanded after Wednesday's go round.
I am having tea. b/c I think I am quitting coffee and booze for the holidays , in preparation for quitting smoking. I did it before for about two years by just pretending I was the person I was BEFORE I started smoking. And that person didn't drink or have coffee.
I have a lot of distressing to do and it is sort of weirdly physical work
First Thought: I wonder if some people around here's Mother's just come out and admit it like that or if their crazy-making is
That's an interesting approach Sophia. Good luck. Different things work for different people.
And wear gloves to protect your pretty hands!
I am having tea. b/c I think I am quitting coffee and booze for the holidays , in preparation for quitting smoking.
That's a lot to quit at once Sophia.
This is the Friday of many annoying little distractions and odd requests.
Gilmore Girls question: When
Zach freaked out
this week, do you think it was because he was
torn up with jealousy of his bandmate writing a song about Lane
or because
he was afraid of success and used the jealousy as an excuse to botch their big opportunity?
I think the former, but I'm reading comments of the latter, and wondering if there's stuff I missed that support it. Not saying it isn't right, just wondering if it would have to be an asspull to be so.
House is empty. I feel I should take advantage of this, but instead I'm huddling by the fire with a laptop and a book.
Pie. Huddling is better with pie.
Former FEMA Director Michael Brown, heavily criticized for his agency's slow response to Hurricane Katrina, is starting a disaster preparedness consulting firm to help clients avoid the sort of errors that cost him his job.
Just when I think the world can get peculiarer.
ita, I think that everything points to the former explaination, but
Zach's behavior was so OTT
that I wouldn't be surprised if there were more to it than just that.
ita, I didn't realize that
one of the bandmates was writing a song about Lane
(I was making supper at the same time I was watching,) so I assumed the latter. But even if the latter is true, it's come out of nowhere, except for the fact
that Zach is a whiny dink.
Laura, I saw the Brownie news on LJ this morning and thought for sure it was something from The Onion. It took headlines on th NY Times and CNN sites to convince me otherwise.
Meanwhile the editors from The Onion are sitting there moaning, "Life's writing our headlines for us now. How are we supposed to compete?"
More Brownie fun:
Brown said officials need to ''take inventory'' of what's going on in a disaster to be able to answer questions to avoid appearing unaware of how serious a situation is.
Shows he's a true Bushie - he figures his biggest mistake is
to not know what was going on. So all someone in Brownie's position needs to do is avoid letting people know how out of touch they are....