And now is the time on Sprockets when we laugh uproariously at the people submitting last-minute emergency requests, who then send me additional e-mails requesting that I notify other people when the work is done, because they're leaving the office early.
You should invoice them for the BP meds.
(I actually have to go do something for a bit, but that will give me time to come up with all the ways in which Aimee is wronger than a very wrong thing.)
(Good luck to you - people have been trying for YEARS to figure out how wrong I am and yet, they haven't. They just figure it's all the pretty that throws them off. pllbbt)
I also love Pot Pie. And now I want some, but my pot pie emporium is gone.
No wait! The fancy butcher shop in the Ferry Building does them. Off to pot pie.
And also, I noticed you packed The Ref and not any Eddie Izzard? Why? Cause you gave them AWAY! So ha!
Only because YOU wanted them while YOU were giving birth and then KEPT them, just like the big old Keeper of Things you always are!
ahhh, a special Tyhanksgiving fauxfuffle. warms my heart.
Dear Client who scheduled 3pm mtg with me,
Being around at 3pm for the meeting would be great. Get back to your desk, you are forcing me to stay at work late!
GRRR, me
I kept them so that I could THROW them and CURSE at them while I was in horrible evil pain that British Transvestite comedians obviously cursed us with.
I think you are confusing MM and Eddie again, Aimee.
Eddie's the British one.
dies laughing
It's sometimes hard to tell what with the eyeliner and all...
I mean..
t hides bacon and swiss cheese sandwich in Perky's suitcase