Yes, that is totally related to the seeing-the-same-color question. You all see it, right?
As it happens, it is exactly related becasue they do this color stuff using a geometric representation of color perception in a Euclidean or NonEuclidean multidimensional scaling solution. That's how they solved the problem. But then I fell asleep.
Are you sure you didn't fall asleep first, and dream the whole thing?
Are you sure you didn't fall asleep first, and dream the whole thing?
Are you sure you are reading the board and not just dreaming the whole thing.
Freaky. I thought I was just making a metaphorical connection about subjective perception.
But then I fell asleep.
I can see that that might be a problem.
Okay, folks, quick poll time! Should I do my next paper on Alan Turing, Charles Babbage, or, um, other Great Figure of the last three centuries?
Are you sure you are reading the board and not just dreaming the whole thing.
I'm pretty sure I only exist as a character in someone else's dream.
Also, 'elses' is a weird word.
eta: also, "else's"
Should I do my next paper on Alan Turing, Charles Babbage, or, um, other Great Figure of the last three centuries?
Babbage is the guy with the Difference Engine, right? That sounds cool.
Also, 'elses' is a weird word.
Pretty sure that's because it never comes up. Except maybe in literary theory: "In this way the author problematizes the character's uniqueness, creating a host of others and elses, all imbued with post-colonial notions of the exotic." Er, throw a reference to gender in there somewhere.
I was confused. I was thinking of possessive pronouns, which don't get the apostrophe.
Babbage is the guy with the Difference Engine, right? That sounds cool.
Yes, but Turing invented the Turing Machine! Plus? Gay. I know that shouldn't be a factor, but I can't help it. I'm sure I'm imbuing him with post-Stonewall conceptions of cool or something, but I find it so hard to overcome that bias.
The slash probably isn't helping. I probably need to go seek out really unpleasant gay people to balance my perceptions, but somehow that never manages to get a high priority on my list of things to do.
I'll vote Alan Turing, but Babbage is interesting too.
Yay, I get explaining!