L&O just opened with a kid doing krav. Cool!
Oh, and then kids getting shot. Not quite as cool.
But not the krav girl.
See? It works!
Gus, if I wished I were as cute as you, it'd mean I didn't think you were that cute. For the record. Cute's not on my wishlist. I'm already cuter than I need to be.
Ack! Someone remind me to stay far away from the imdb message boards! Remember "Beer Bad" when cave!coeds are sitting around the table all "You stupid!" "No! You stupid!" I have just read that sceene line for line on the boards for All the King's Men.
Gawd, I lurves arguing with ita. It never has an ending, and she always wins, some-how.
It's a gift.
Back from the nutritionist. Homeboy is more woo-woo than I can stand. I made another appointment, because I was in the migraine/concussion/whatever haze, but I may very well cancel it soon. I mean, he looked into my irises and told me I had too much sodium in my body. Sure, if I don't excrete it ever, or am taking it in suppository form. And I don't see how I can cut out the things he wants me to cut out without losing weight.
If I'm the first woman he's
met who's wanted to gain weight, perhaps I'm not his normal clientele.
Winning is important to ita. Methinks it is a krav thing.
Back from the nutritionist. Homeboy is more woo-woo than I can stand. I made another appointment, because I was in the migraine/concussion/whatever haze, but I may very well cancel it soon. I mean, he looked into my irises and told me I had too much sodium in my body. Sure, if I don't excrete it ever, or am taking it in suppository form. And I don't see how I can cut out the things he wants me to cut out without losing weight.
I liked my nutritionist. Mine was a nice girl who basically schooled me on portion sizes and went over dietary choices for my gestational diabetes. She taught me more in a half an hour appointment than I expected.
She didn't look into my eyes and tell me I was taking in too much sodium, though. That sounds kind of freaky.
Winning is important to ita. Methinks it is a krav thing.
If you don't want to win at self defense, then you shouldn't be playing. It's disrespectful.
Me? I like winning when I want to win. And then there's apathy.
I'm finishing up
I may have napped through the important bits, but I'm confused. Do the aliens have infra-red vision?
The whole iris thing is hooey.
She didn't look into my eyes and tell me I was taking in too much sodium, though. That sounds kind of freaky.
Iridology. I buy acupuncture. I don't buy this.
Nothing against nutritionism (or whatever the noun is) -- just this guy seems a bit off for me. Your chick sounds very sensible.
If the aliens have infra-red vision, what difference does Dutch painting himself with mud make? Who taught the alien the contextual use of Bwahahahaha? How long does it really take to build an accurate bow and fashion arrows that will explode on impact? Is Kevin Peter Hall single?