I skipped and skimmed, and now I have nothing to say except to confess that the sum total of my knowledge of Skee-Lo is his cover of "Mister Morton" from Schoolhouse Rock, which is unique among all the SHR covers I've heard in being actually about 10,000 times better than the original. Before I heard that about two years ago, I'd never had any idea that such a person existed.
Even now, I wouldn't know him if he suddenly materialized in my kitchen and I tripped over him, except that now that I've said that I will probably suspect anyone who suddenly materializes in my kitchen of being Skee-Lo, just on principle.
Workmen showed up at 8 this morning to replace 2 inside doors in our apartment which have had large holes in them since we moved in.
When I talked to my landlord about this last night, I was very clear that we had to be out the door by 10 am today, period, and I would much much rather they come on Sunday or during the week. She flatly ignored me, insisting that they would take at most half an hour to do the work, and they would be there at 8:30 sharp.
It is now 9:30. They have been working for 90 minutes, and they are not leaving yet. The doors in question are to the bedroom and bathroom, meaning I can't use either one for, oh, say, showering and getting dressed until they leave. Which they are not doing.
If I am late to my Harry Potter screening because of these morons, I will be VERY VERY UNHAPPY.
(in response to Skee-Lo appearing in JZ's kitchen): I wish anything so exciting would happen in my kitchen. More likely a hairball will mysteriously appear on the tiles, though. SIGH.
No one has stepped forward to accompany me to IKEA, and I am vastly saddened.
[edited to make precedent clear]
For no reason whatsoever, I bring you... a website devoted to Princess Leia's metal bikini: leiasmetalbikini.com
Photos of a bunch of women wearing the thing! Fan art! Make your own!
eta: Oh my. Fan art of Eliza Dusku wearing the metal bikini: [link]
Happy Birthday Jessica!!
The workmen have left, btw. I had to have breakfast delivered, though.
::adds Princess Leia to 2006 costume choices::
Actually, I think I need a boyfriend by late 2006. I want to go as Wesley and Buttercup.
I had to have breakfast delivered, though.
Sounds like a great start to a birthday, really. You just have to do some ignoring of the workmen and the timelines.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Jessica!!!