She gets just the half cup of dry in the evenings, and occasionally on the weekends I'll give her some Friskies chicken treats (which she's not always wild about--maybe half the time I end up tossing out the cold chicken bits). I have given her the water from tuna a few times, and she likes that, but I've never given her wet cat food.
She doesn't show much interest in human food, either, except for the one time I brought home White Fence Farm chicken, (which was strange because she's never been interested in Brown's chicken!), and she also likes the packaging when I bring home single slices of cheesecake from the store, but that might be the plastic instead of the cheesecake (she has a thing for chewing plastic; she loves to gnaw on six-pack rings).
My behaviour in Cass's dream is much more exciting than mine is in mine. I wake up thinking "Have I really been to the neurologist? Why was he dressed like that? And why did I have company?"
I made a response earlier about Reeese Witherspoon being Satan's Spawn.
The board ate it. The board, she is hungry in that way.
Or, possibly, you were more literally correct about Reese than you knew.
I'm not ready to write Gyllenhaal off based on the incident just yet, as lots of co-workers have described him in glowing terms. But were I the actor he started smacking for real my method of shunning would have involved him having more than one chipped tooth.
Buffistas keep invading cass's dreams.
They do. I blame you. Well, you were where it started, blame seems reasonable.
My behaviour in Cass's dream is much more exciting than mine is in mine.
It was just very un-ita. I mean four sugars?
I wake up thinking "Have I really been to the neurologist? Why was he dressed like that? And why did I have company?"
See, I usually wake up like this. I have the damndest time trying to figure out if something really happened, or if it was part of a dream. Having "normal" stuff happen with Buffistas in attendance really helps clear that up for me. Because we also went shopping at Trader Joe's and I would have had to check and see if I still needed milk or had really already bought it.
Home from the HS football game. Boring stuff. Our team won 48-6. The 6 was from a touchdown in the last 3 minutes when I think they only had freshman cheerleaders on the field.
A couple rows in front of me was an ita look alike, except with no bruises and copper hair. She had a daughter about 8 that was copying all the cheerleader moves on the sidelines. I am about ded of the cute. Mom had some good moves too, but the kid was awesome.
Matt, I was thinking that, while I'd probably freak out like Hell had I been on the set, in that situation, it does't strike me as deeply nuts behaviour. With the character and the movie being what they are, and, coming off of (or, acutally , rather not), it's a very different thing than if it had been during lunch or something.
I guess I'm all about "you don't just
people." But I spend a lot of time getting myself freaked the fuck out, and not hurting anyone is SOP.
Okay, I just watched an unaired ep of Kitchen Confidential up an MySpace (why the hell is it there? Why isn't it the Vartan ep?) and DAMN THEM FOR AXING IT.
an ita look alike, except with no bruises
I don't know if that's even possible.
Boring stuff. Our team won 48-6. The 6 was from a touchdown in the last 3 minutes when I think they only had freshman cheerleaders on the field.
Heh. Reminds me of the homecoming game when we kicked our crosstown rivals asses 72-6. I think we had the waterboy in by the end.