Agh, ita. That last -- or, no, second-to-last -- post of yours is just making me cringe. The universe really, really needs to lay off your poor body and brain for a while, and your doctors really need to get their shit together and properly doctor you
That's almost too much physical misery to read, and I can't even imagine how awful it is to live through it every damn day.
Re the Derby: aw, fuck. And the Vince Vaughn idea is actually kinda brilliant. Allyson, is there any chance you could possibly consider running a "Save the Derby" campaign? You have the experience and the creativity and this time it's not just a show, it's your whole neighborhood's character at stake; also, nightclub fandom is likely way, way less craxy than TV fandom.
I was trying to grade when suddenly my daughter appeared in the hallway, dragging her blankets with her.
::contemplates teh cute, promptly dies and is ded::
It is Friday and I don't want to work. Please look into this.
I was going to ask my boss if I could take today off work (or at least a half day), but when she was leaving the office yesterday, she informed me that she was going to be off today, so I knew I had to cover and didn't mention anything. Damnit.
Maybe next week...
It is friday and I don't want to have a meeting for my quarterly review.
Also, I seem to have a sinus headache. I really need to haul the humidifier out of the closet.
I also was under the mistaken impression that Nutty invented the Underpants Gnomes. Sad now.
Also, my weekly department meeting has left me feeling unusually FEH this morning. Feh.
It is Friday and I don't want to work. Please look into this.
Ditto. I spent last night burning CDs. That was more fun than work will be.
The subways were empty this morning. I was jealous of all the people who weren't there.
ION, this is the best post EVAR.
I also was under the mistaken impression that Nutty invented the Underpants Gnomes. Sad now.
Sorry. They are
very like
the gremlins that steal socks from dryers, though, so you could rightly say that Underpants Gnomes are a product of the collective unconscious.
It is Friday and I don't want to work. Please look into this.
I had a disturbing thought on the train today. I was thinking, "It's Friday, but it might as well be Monday, as I still have to work 8 hours." Of course, after work I can celebrate the Fridayness, but until then....
ION, I had a really good 90 minute massage last night, so I feel all flexible and relaxed and I feel like I'm breathing slower than usual.
There is a committee to Save the Derby, JZ, and they seem to be doing a pretty good job. They've enlisted several historical and preservation groups and did a great job of getting the whole neighborhood out.
I haven't slept at all. I'm wide-awake but a little shaky. So awake. Tim chatted with me until he had to sleep, and was outraged on my behalf about the Derby. Then I just sort of tossed and turned for a few hours and decided to get up and make coffee and do a little laundry before work. Bleh. Thank god I took half a day vacation, and then tonight is Tim's class, which I'm so excited to attend!
I see much caffeine in my future.