How much do I love the fact that Kat can't let this one go? Sooo much!
I am not terribly competitive at board games, but I have been known to get sucked in to many a board game in my day.
I just realized, my family was a card game family. Penny-ante poker, kaluke (which is like gin rummy but with two decks), cribbage.
Oh, Jesse. Why'd you have to go and link that? Why?
Only to share my pain. If I'm going down, I'm bringing people with me!!
Los Feliz is PISSED. Standing room only, lots of greaser boys and gurls dressed in 1940s sex-ay attire, old folks from the neighborhood. My neighbor and i got interviewed for the news.
Los Feliz should be pissed. Like LA needs another Whole Foods?
A developer purchased the Derby nightclub, which is a local swing club that was built in the 40s. It's beautiful. One of the Angel wrap parties was there, and I like to go and watch the swing dance classes every now and again.
They want to tear it down, and build a Whole Foods with 80 luxury condos on top and surrounding it, thus killing the local Nature Mart and the entire character of my neighborhood.
They want to tear down The Derby and build a Whole Foods.
stares, openmouthed
I think we should call Vince Vaughn and make him wear a Save the Derby t-shirt all the time for when he's photographed with Jennifer Aniston.
The Scrabble dictionary disagrees.
Yep. I realize that. But I disagree with their disagreement.
So what will Los Feliz do about it, Allyson?
Like a bunch of women in lingerie and wings protesting the destruction of the rainforest outside the Victoria's Secret show. Other than the fact that VS has catalogs I just don't see the connection.
The claim ( is that VS saves money on their catalogs by not using recycled paper, and that their catologs contain a high percentage of old growth pulp. If true, not a trivial connection.