OMG, Lord & Taylor in the middle of a workday is the BEST. I got the best customer service in my life there.
Also, where would a person buy a little apron? I didn't see any at the costume place. I'm thinking I could put accessories over my current clothes to do 50s housewife, tying Halloween into my homework.
dude, when can you quit that job?
Honestly, listening to my friends who are also full-time students but have much more "real" jobs, I'm glad to be here where I don't give a shit. At least I'm not overly burdened with stuff to do.
Le nubian-- I will do that.
I mean really-- do we need to go around scaring the crap out of people. I understand being cautious, and some of the guidelines in the email (like being aware of your surroundings) make sense, but I feel that things like this just lead to people leading panicky lives. it is the same damned thing as the bird flu-- it is all over the news scaring the crap out of people-- they are all calling into wear I work (we give flu shots) looking for the "bird flu vaccine". Now there are about 30 billion other, much more probable, ways that these people could get sick and die-- but they are now just focused on the "bird flu".
well if one had planned ahead one would get one from me. I have purple, yellow, or turquoise gingham if you have my keys.
Otherwise, I'd try a vintage store.
If one had planned ahead, one would not have been looking at one's reflection in a store window, trying to figure out what "costume" one's regular clothes could turn into.
From the few times I saw snippets of Roswell, they sure made Roswell look much, much more interesting than it actually is. Not to slur your hometown or anything, Raq, just....
Truth is a defense against libel. IOW, you are slurring Roswell by saying that; I thought the same thing.
Is much known about Alito?
IIRC he said the state had a legitimate interest in spousal notification
Based on what I read today, this is true. I did think his comments were a little disingenuous. He said that a woman should have to notify her husband, and then said that this isn't a gender equality issue, it's a spouse issue.
Um, last time I checked, hardly any men were in need of abortions.
OTOH, he's clearly more qualified than Miers. Whoever Bush names will be conservative; I'd rather have someone with Alito's career and intellectual background than Miers'.
Amen. I'd much rather have a principled and competent person I disagree with on the Supreme Court than a lickspittle whose primary qualification is a notebook full of hearts with her and George W. Bush's names written together inside.
Interesting night last night - the local gay video store (regular movies, not adult) had a parking lot party where they projected The Rocky Horror Picture Show against an outside wall. I sat my lawnchair down next to the pickup truck full of fun sober lesbians. (As opposed to the loud drunken Large Marge-esque lesbian who fixated on the guy I dated last year and accosted him for 30 minutes. Ah, schadenfreund...)
Am I the only one who thinks the whole thing with Miers was a Cunning Plan and that Alito was meant to be the real nominee all along? Now everyone will be so glad he's better-qualified than Miers that the Right won't bitch as much if he's left of Scalia, and the Left won't fight as hard because they/we will think, "At least he's qualified."
In very irritating news, the construction on the street outside of my building is causing loud noises, as well as causing the building and desk to vibrate. V. annoying.