The story is a thriller set in turn-of-the-century Japan, but Collins writes that "certain passages can better be described as reminiscent of Penthouse Forum."
Supposedly he wrote the novel over 20 years, mainly at his vacation house in Aspen. (Note the "aspens" reference in the Judith Miller letter.)
"The last time I saw Scooter Libby, he was trying to persuade Maureen Dowd to join him in doing tequila shots at the celebstudded Bloomberg party after the 2003 White House Correspondents Association Dinner."
Now THAT sounds like the opening line of a great novel.
My Halloween costume: Guy Who Forgot To Wear His Deodorant.
I think it was 2000.
It was! Happy anniversary!
Thanks! Gah. Is this home, now?
I think so.
And dude. Who'da thunk? Five years.
There was another terrible quote from that book on Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me this weekend, too.
Why must cow-orkers forward me e-mails based on an urban legend so well know that it has, in fact appeared in the movie 'Urban Legends'. I was to send everyone a snopes email, but it is probably bad form as this person is my superior. But really, it is the one about a man getting into the backseat of ones car while filling up gas, as part of a gang initiation.
send the snopes link to your superior only.
I want to start a gang and USE all those Snopes things. It would totally fuck with people.
I have to remember to shop at Lord & Taylor more often, it is so nice and quiet in there. It makes me feel like a semi-wealthy little old lady out for the day.