I'm with sara on the scavenger hunt thing. If people want to play games, go nuts, but leave me out of it. Hell, she should have been asked before being included in an activity that involved people taking things from her.
I would probably remove everything from the surface of my desk. If I were feeling generous, I might leave a box of tissues, and allow people to take one tissue.
[looks at desk] Hmm. Removing everything from the surface of my desk would require a multi-day head start. If there was a scavenger hunt thing going on here, I'd probably just settle for scowling at anyone who came within three yards of my desk.
Kind of like every other day.
Say, if one were to have fixed a PowerMac G3/266 that one got for free what Operating System would be a good match. Say Mac OS 9 or perhaps a slightly older version of OS X like 10.1 or 10.2? I don't think OS X 10.3 or 10.4 support that old a Mac.
He's been on the bench for a long time; he's no jurisprudential cipher.
How does he shift the court if passes the Senate? Certainly he sounds plenty qualified.
I ended up saying no twice (I also hid said item, because I'm humorless like that.) Luckily, to coworkers who were reasonable about it. People stopped coming in our office.
It was annoying the officemate too, as he was trying to make calls to contractors at the time.
It really would have been nice if they'd just ASKED. Or even better, had it at the sanctioned halloween party later this afternoon in the lobby.
Say, if one were to have fixed a PowerMac G3/266 that one got for free what Operating System would be a good match. Say Mac OS 9 or perhaps a slightly older version of OS X like 10.1 or 10.2? I don't think OS X 10.3 or 10.4 support that old a Mac.
Gud, go ask in the Buffistatechnology thread, BUT I think you could run 10.2 on it, depending on how much memory it has.
Worst Halloween costumes: [link]
This one will give me nightmares: [link]
Archie goes goth
That was pretty adorable, actually. Thanks for the link!
(I feel like Proxy!Jilli as she whirls around L.A. without the Net.)
How does he shift the court if passes the Senate?
Rightward; there's not much that can be done about having a Republican president and Senate. OTOH SOC was not as liberal as people give her credit for. These things are delicate: Kennedy enjoys being the swing vote and feels intellectually inferior. He may end up switching from a Roberts/Scalia/Alito/Thomas majority. But that's just my hypothesizing.
The thing you will be hearing most about-- because, apparently, Roe was the most important thing that happened in legal history ever-- is that he dissented when
was before his court. IIRC he said the state had a legitimate interest in spousal notification (*not* consent).
ETA: I just saw another opinion where he struck down New Jersey's partial birth abortion ban because it was mandated by the Supreme Court. In looking at it a little bit, it appears to be moderate and principled.
It has 384MB of RAM and I might have some more old RAM laying around, but 384 for sure. Ah, the technology thread, I forgot about that one.