On the other hand, I've been getting ready to replace my mislaid SSN card (Tending to the paranoid by nature, I'm sure it's been procured by some wily grafter who will collect millions by absconding with my number.) and it's been ridiculously a) easy and b) circular. Also, because I am my own company, I can generate about half of what I need to in order to establish an identity. I'm tempted to create a whole new person just for the fun of it.
It's kinda scary.
(love to you, Aimée.)
A friend gave me a catalogue which started off about weaponry and useful fighting techniques, and by the end was all "living off the grid" and kinda scary. I wonder if I still have it...if I disappear, it's either due to that, or some stupid fainting thing.
Until they make DVDs and Internet access available off the grid, I'm so not interested.
Until they make DVDs and Internet access available off the grid, I'm so not interested.
Who's to say they haven't?
It's funny, because out here we're totally going to need to build off the grid when we do, but by that we mostly just mean alternative energy and not munitions grade weapons caches and armoured compounds. Still, when we've been researching, there's almost always some fall-off-the-edge scary stuff.
Oh, yeah, but we totally will have to have satellite based internet access. So. Is that a grid? It's infrastructure for sure.
There's actually being off the power grid, and then there's all this other stuff, which I like to call "off the grid" but is actually something else...
Until they make DVDs and Internet access available off the grid, I'm so not interested.
I can totally get both of those things without showing ID.
Who's to say they haven't?
I hear the off the grid people have their own bearaucracy, professional sports, and refer to us on-gridders as "Guggles".
I can totally get both of those things without showing ID.
Exactly. I mean, really, you just don't have to be
Being "Jesse" would be enough.
I'm already one meeting into the day. Perkins slacks.
Well, yeah.
AIMEE! Glad you're back.
IMemeN, My house sitting arrangements for thanksgiving seem to have gotten frelled, and now I have no idea if I will be able to find someone else to sit.