I mean, how long do you think the Dread Pirate Roberts would have been able to keep the identity scam in the internet age?
Heh. I am dealing with exactly this issue in my WIP that is eternally IP. How late in the Industrial Age is it practical to masquerade as somebody else, given the existence of (say) photographs and telegraphs? Pre-modern communications you can show up in (say) Prussia and claim to be Duke of Plaza-Toro, and it takes months before anybody is sure you aren't, communications with Spain being what they are.
Piracy is a big problem, but it mostly guys with speedboats, RPGs, and machineguns who don't have parrots are aren't even gay. There should be a new word really.
Piracy 2.0?
Pirates: The Next Generation?
yesterday = 14 hours in transit.
There should be a new word really.
have you ever seen the movie, Captain Ron?
Nope. (Also, nice posting with you! How are you doing?)
I am dealing with exactly this issue in my WIP that is eternally IP. How late in the Industrial Age is it practical to masquerade as somebody else, given the existence of (say) photographs and telegraphs?
Now I'm curious to read it.
I see what you mean, and yet, in a way, it's easier to disguise one's identity. Get a fake ID/passport, and you're good to go, so to speak. If the official card says that you are so-and-so, it may mean something even when compared to somebody's memory/opinion, right? Interesting.
msbelle, I think the rest of the week deserves to be relaxed and comfortable for you.
[Edited because too many "right?"s just look wrong]
that is gross, msbelle.
So is the fact that I have to get out of bed and go to work now.
I'm already one meeting into the day. Perkins slacks.
People pull off identity scams today, don't they? The angles change, and the tools change, but I think we all have to give up a lot more privacy if it's ever to be impossible. And I'm not sure it can be.
There's this whole thing about modern Pirates of the Caribbean in Captain Ron, Nilly. It's mainly just a silly little film with Kurt Russell in dreadlocks with no shirt. Worth the time for that alone.
(Also, nice posting with you! How are you doing?)
Likewise and very well, thanks! I just found out I passed my blood test last Friday and DO NOT have gestational diabetes this time around. Yay for Krispy Kreme!
I am at work already. There is work up to my eyeballs. It still looks like it's going to be a good day though.
If the official card says that you are so-and-so, it may mean something even when compared to somebody's memory/opinion, right?
Very probably in a German state. Or a French one, for that matter. However, eventually somebody's going to check central records and find you missing, although I suppose you can solve that one with bribery.
I think the identity scams are just different. I mean, I couldn't go on tv saying I was, say Paris Hilton, and have anyone believe me-- but I might be able to fake it on the internet. In 1495 I could probably have walked into an unsespecting town with the right entourage and call myself Queen Isabella-- because who would know what I look like.
I also could become a new not famous person fairly easily nowadays (identity papers and such) given the right technology and enough $$$. If anyone recognized you, you could just say they were mistaken, because your papers prove it.
In not identity theft questions-- Do the Smiths sing the themesong to charmed, or is it a cover?