I like George. I mean, I would probably ignore him while mooning over other inappropriate/ unavailable guys, but he wouldn't be so bad to date.
I'd say more, but I'm in a GA commercial break
t /taunt
Oh, and you guys should see the CTV station ID with Burke. HAWT
When that tortie looks at sarameg it's seeing a winning lottery ticket.
You are not wrong. And no, she's not in residence.
Allyson, you want we send you some superglue, smelling salts, icepacks and bandaids?
I've known Georges, male and female. They can be good friends to back you up. However, when it comes to their own lives, sometimes you just want to slap them and say "well then, DO something already." Sometimes I can be a George. But less flibberty and nasal whiney.
you guys should see the CTV station ID with Burke. HAWT
Oh, that makes me a wee bit trembly.
Oh and brenda? Think bugs. I get the occasional flying thing that suicides either in the halogen (wow, that can make a lot of smoke) or clinging desperately in death to a lightbulb.
McDreamy, however, is wearing acid wash jeans in his CTV promo.
McDreamy, however, is wearing acid wash jeans in his CTV promo.
At least it doesn't sound like they're using the wax figures of the cast that the SciFi channel appears to have commissioned.
Watching GA makes me miss the whining and snuggling part of living with roommates.
We have thunder here!
Knew something must be coming. It was high 70s and ridiculously windy all day long. Pine needles everywhere.
I never whined and snuggled with roommates. I whine and snuggle with krav people though, so I'm okay. I don't feel taking them home is indicated.
Just downloaded Also Sprach Zarathustra as my new voicemail ringtone. I'm hoping the HAL connection will be somewhat meaningful for me, and remind me it's not ringing, per se.
Oh! Julia/John kiss! I don't hate her in this movie, I remember.