should be considered the gold standard in "location" shows, but given how many locals and natives were involved in the production, they really did have a big advantage for that.
I'm surprisingly bleh for somebody who woke up an hour early. But I get to take the cat to the Vet before I go into work, so that would be part of it.
Timelies! This time change is keelling me. Actually, it's the cats waking me up at five and not being able to fall asleep again that is killing me.
Alito. Who is not, felicitous rhyming scheme aside, actually a Scalia clone but rather a principled and nice guy.
Hey! Everyone says they call him Scalito! What kind of right-wing propaganda are you trying to sell me, missy??
I have on a poodle skirt and a pink sweater and a scarf knotted around my neck. Sadly, this is less in costume than most Halloweens.
Happy Birthday Daniel!
Happy Halloween!
I'm in the office. No lights or A/C, but yippee for computers!
No opinion on Alito yet.