"This year I managed to get hit in the face a total of three times, which is a 65% decline from last year. Losses of consciousness are unfortunately up, however."
There is no fucking way I'm going to be able to explain spitting the diluted Gatorade on the monitor, so I'm not even going to try.
Playing it off ... playing it off...
My parents sent one out last spring (they're slow) that didn't mention me at all. They got emails wondering if I had been disowned or something.
Bonus points if you use cutesypoo nicknames for people!
Oh, and to actually address ita's question of what goes in, it mostly talked about family weddings, politics, and sports. And the various intersections thereof. And some personal news.
Or if you pretend it was written by a pet
Or if you pretend it was written by a pet
If you want to go that route, I'm sure Clovis would be more than happy to ghost-write it for you.
Most of the letters members of my family have done are actually quite fun to read. I do have one cousin who is a little self-congratulatory, but she's got a cute kid, so I get over it.
Today is dragging and I've done virtually no work.
If you have kids, you have to brag about them A LOT. If they are ugly or not on the honor roll, don't mention them.
Question: why don't more web sites where you can buy stuff have Wish List features? I loves me some Amazon wish list (even if nobody ever buys me anything from it). I want my LL bean wish list, damn it!
A cousin of my mother used to write xmas letters that we'd look forward to every year for the comic effect. She used the word "perfect" a lot when describing what was going on with her family. One of her daughters even had a "perfect divorce."
I have no idea why I just decided to write an Xmas letter. I have no SO, no kids, no pet. No new job...okay, no I have one of those, no life, not much of much. Ah, well.
Bon -- did you see? Ted C has written more about Toothy Tile! And there's going to be a movie called
I'm more than a little disappointed that a Wilson isn't in it.