told me that the big silo looking building off to the west of the highway stores vinegar.
I've alternately been told water and oil (though I can't see how that would fly, given the risk.) I'm betting water, as there are those "your tax dollars at work" signs up for a city water & sewage project there.
When we lived in a small town in Wyoming for a year, the smell of the sugar beet harvest in the fall was...gross. Kind of half sweet, with mulch and damp soil mixed in. Not pretty.
I lived in a town with a mill that roasted peanuts every morning.
Portalnd Maine often smells of baked beans due to the B&M factory, or at least it used to (I don't know if that factory is still active, and now that I think about it, I'm not even sure it's still there; must check next time through). That may not sound great, but it is loverly.
And certainly beats the everloving tar out of the way a lot of Maine towns did/do where they had/have paper mills. Bleh.
When we lived in a small town in Wyoming for a year, the smell of the sugar beet harvest in the fall was...gross. Kind of half sweet, with mulch and damp soil mixed in. Not pretty.
There's a small town near my home town that produces sauerkraut - that's not a pleasant smell.
There's a fume smell around my train station that I finally realized smells like bleu cheese. Kind of nasty.
A guy sitting right near me on the bus this morning stepped in dog shit on his way on the bus. Feh. I had a Burt's Bees chapstick in my pocket so I serruptiously smeared it all under and around my nose. It helped. A bit.
Hah! You are right about the smell, lisah. It is vinegar. [link] " Burns Phips Foods Inc. operates a vinegar plant at the end of Brand Avenue just west of the JFX,"
Aaand, the tank is natural gas. Which creeps me out. (it appears to be unused. Which is a relief.)
Downtown Minneapolis often smells like sewage, because of the old water treatment system that ran to the river. Bleah.
I drive past a giant landfill on my way into work each day. It smells pretty foul.