ita gave me test anxiety dreams last night.
I did not!
Connie, after a long-ago bad experience with beautiful knives rusting, I don't let any of mine get near moisture (mortal situations naturally excepted, they just haven't arisen...yet). So if you've been slaying snow with yours, you've road tested them way more than I have.
It's true that Skeeto is neato.
I just quoted Spiderman in an email to my department chair. I think she'll appreciate it.
So now I'm at work, my boss is not, and the only task I have to do is large and unpleasant and I don't wanna.
My city doesn't have any mysterious nice smells. There is the sulfur by the courthouse I pass every morning. And the glue factory smell right by the 83 overpass. Fells Point always smells of old beer, piss and fish, though that's less of a mystery. After it has been raining a few days, everywhere starts smelling like wet dirty dog.
I will say that in early June, the honeysuckle on the metro/rail fence by my apartment makes the neighborhood smell nice.
My city doesn't have any mysterious nice smells.
And then there's the pervasive vinegar fumes at 83 by Cold Spring!
OMG I dreamt last night about Clive Owen, but he was made up liek Robert Smith from the Cure. It was TEH HOTT!! let me tell you.
oh my. I'll be in my bunk.
after a long-ago bad experience with beautiful knives rusting, I don't let any of mine get near moisture
This is a good preservative.
And then there's the pervasive vinegar fumes at 83 by Cold Spring!
Wait, is that the glue factory smell? I guess it could be vinegary. Man, some days when the wind is just right, I have to hold my breath at the first eastbound stoplight.
My city used to have pervasive tobacco-curing smells, which were surprisingly lovely even though I hate the smell of the stuff once it's being smoked. No more, though.
So if you've been slaying snow with yours, you've road tested them way more than I have.
No rust problems yet, I make darn sure to wipe it dry. Maybe the dry climate here helps. But Sting's a really sweet sword, light in the hand, no looseness anywhere, and quick on the backswing. Surprisingly well made for collectors pieces.