Lillian, Lillian, how do you expect to dominate the world on an empty tummy? Eat, babycakes.
The school's holiday party is today. I volunteered to hold down the fort while everyone else in my department went over, having just come back from vacation. ::pats own head::
Maidengirl, if you are still looking for help with her e-business/law paper, let me know. I might have access to all the right articles, and my BF from law school teaches this at (not named) University. He looks like Jon Stewart, which means that everything he says is funnier by association.
Thanks Sparky - I cobbled something stupid together last night. I read it again this morning and it is idiotic, but oh well. I have an A so far in this class, I can afford to goof one paper.
DH just called. His only topic was "I got a job" said in a little kid voice. Me thinks he is happy.
How did Max get to your place, and why are you calling him Harvey?
You have a cat imitating an invisible six feet tall rabbit, and you call him Max?
ETA: Yay, MG!
Also, patience~ma to Plei and Stephanie. Getting better~ma to Ellie. Dunno what kind to send to Lily. ~ma, anyway.
Ugh, having bad e-mail exchange with DW. I feel like finding a nice hole and never coming out (expect maybe to be with the kids).
(((Gud))) I'm so sorry. You deserve more kindness in your life than this.
Harvey is again in my lap, purring up a storm.
Blah, long day at the registration desk. Full of sugar highs and lows.
ETA: er, I'm sorry, i sound very selfish and stupid. {{Gud}}