So if 111 = 7, each column except the furthest right is a value of 2? Like, furthest right is 1s, and then moving left is 2s, 4s, 8s, and then....? Does the value of the rows double as you progress left? Would 16s be next, and then 32s?
So, 111111 = 63?
So, 111111 = 63?
Weird. But kind of elegant, too.
By George, I think she's got it!
They do double as you move along, and they double because it's base two, and each column is raised to the power of the base.
So the decimal columns are one, ten, a hundred, etc. The octal columns are one, eight, sixty four, etc...
Dude. Tep, you're mathier than I am. I didn't get it until you explained it, though the egg crates and I were getting there.
YAY! I figured out my lab report! I'm not sure it's right, but at least I got the damn program to work!
What is the purpose of base eight?
I will be useful if we ever have to do math with cartoon characters or eight-fingered aliens.
There's a house on a bus route in Salt Lake City that I call the binary house. Its number is 10101.