Has anyone else seen their kid do this?
Owen started doing this around 8 months and he still LOVES to do it. He mostly does it when he's sitting in his high chair. But he loves it when I shake my head back at him.
sj, Teacup Guy is the sweetiest. Also, those pushing poppers are CLASSIC and every child I've seen adores them muchly.
billytea, good luck with the dinner!
We're on official Pink Eye watch today. My friend's son has it and they came over for dinner on Saturday night AND we spent yesterday morning playing at the same place with all the same Typhoid Toddler Types kids.
Hi everybody.
It's 29 right now, but predictions are up to 54 today (that's 12 degrees for unamericans or 285 degrees for scientific types)
It is 18 here.
I bought a new coat.
These things are not unrelated.
It is -2C here and we're expecting some more snow. Brrrr....
Cindy, I was gone after I posted last night, but I'll be around through the day.
Any sign of a Hil anywhere around for one last glorious flail of help-I-don't-get-algebra?
Megan, I think it's funny that we have the same temperatures outside but I think it's warm and you think it's cold!
I'm always cold. I wear a sweater in the summer. I'm apparently craxy.
Aidan still does the headshake, but he doesn't enjoy it as much if I don't do it too.
I just bought Aidan a wooden train set. He's going to be ecstatic on Christmas morning. Free shipping! Woot!
Leif is getting a wooden train set too!