I have a mom question for the hivemind: While we were in Germany, Mal started doing this headshake thing, like he was trying to shake his bangs out of his eyes. We thought it might be an inner-ear reaction to the altitude, but he's kept it up. Now he does it voluntarily: when we shake our heads at him, he shakes his back. So we're pretty sure it's mimicking, but it's still odd. Should I mention it at his checkup? Has anyone else seen their kid do this?
He's at the right age for this extreme form of what's technically called Gooberism to be exhibiting itself. There is no cure, nor is there any treatment. Ben used to get down on all fours like he was going to crawl, and instead, he would shake his head back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...etc. I was sure it was a manifestation of some horrible, horrible problem. Apparently, Gooberism isn't seen as a problem. Who knew?
Seriously, it sounds completely normal, and I wouldn't worry about it for one second, but I would mention it, and anything that seems unusual to you at his check-up, because that's what check-ups are for. I also recommend you take a video of it, and save it for prom night, and mock him for being a huge Goober!Baby. I'm giving fifty-to-one odds the pediatrician tells you he's at an age where children do all these little rhythmic things, pretty much because they can.