Well, that's a toughie. We're entirely ignoring their likely preferences, right? Then I'd say... hm. F Einstein, C Feynman, M Turing? Not sure that's right. I was going to say M Einstein, but then I remember the stories I've heard about him and his wives.
I don't know. Who can make these choices?
Oh, I think it's easy. F Feynman (dude has GOT to be good in the sack), M Turing, C Einstein. Einstein would be the least fun to hang out with, plain and simple, and from the people that matter F'ing Feynman would get me about the same amount of cred.
Also, FCM: Occam, Schrödinger, Magic 8-Ball
My Zen like attitude has impressed my boss and Tom, but it feels like it is slipping as the craxyness continues. Apparantly getting through the morning email is not enough, people keep sending more.