So why doesn't she just check the pockets? Wouldn't that take less time than turning everything inside out only to right it again after drying? She has no answer for that. Hrmph.
Laura, the answer to that is the number of times I have washed tissues in spite of the fact that I am, theoretically at least, in the habit of checking pockets. Mind you, I have yet to acquire the habit of turning stuff inside out. Perhaps I should, as it would have prevented today's little mishap.
I do not think that this argument is sufficiently substantial to require refutation. Consolation would be more appropriate: perhaps this should be sought in the transmigration of souls.
One wonders what he would say to reassure those of us with the honestly stated fear of "OMG, thinking machines... what if they think they don't like us?"
... someone arguing with me that computers could never be smarter than people.
I think they could, depending on the definition of "smart". And this terrifies me. Possibly irrational, but then I did grow up watching Star Trek.